Taboola Minimum Traffic Requirements

Taboola minimum traffic requirements will be discussed in this article.

Many monetization networks don't have any minimum traffic requirements but taboola does.

Minimum Traffic Requirements for Taboola

Few years back, when we contacted them and showed our daily 2K to 3K page views, the representative told us to contact them when we will have around 1 Million page views per month.

If you search taboola minimum traffic requirements, you will see many results saying different numbers.

Quora has an answer which says, 10 million monthly US page views are required as taboola minimum traffic, which is not true.

Another website also says 10 million monthly page views. says taboola minimum traffic requirement is 500,000 monthly page views.

We believe if you get around million, you will get approved with taboola.

Check out related articles about taboola ad network

For advertisers, taboola conversion rate.

For publishers, taboola cpm rates.

You should also look at payment methods available at taboola.

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